Location & Event Timings
Aboyne Community Centre, Bridgeview Road, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire AB34 5JN
Start times
We will set riders off in waves of 50, 5 minutes apart. Detailed information of start times will be emailed to you a few days before the event.
Registration Part 1- Online
Registration (entry) and payment is online via Eventbrite only. No new registrations are allowed on event day. On event day you must go to the registration area with your printed PDF ticket and you must show photo ID (passport, driving licence, British Cycling race licence card).
How to register and pay
Through the event ticketing system Eventbrite only.
Major credit and debit cards accepted.
Request invoice
To request an invoice for workplace teams click here:
Age rules
Minimum age 18 to ride independently.
Riders aged 16 and 17 may also take part subject to parental consent. This consent form will be emailed to you approximately two weeks before the event.
We do not issue refunds but if you contact us we can arrange to swap your place if you have a replacement rider.
We do not accept swaps or replacements in the last 14 days before the event.
Creating a team
You can create a team when you first register through Eventbrite. Alternatively you can log back into your Eventbrite account later to create a team. Once you have created a team you can invite others to join.
NOTE: If you create a team remember to join that team yourself!
There is no limit to the size of your team. The sportive ride times will include your team name and you will be able to see your individual and combined times.
Transferring my registration to another person
Please contact us if you want to arrange to swap your place if you have a replacement rider. We do not accept swaps or replacements in the last 14 days before the event.
Deferring my registration to next year
We do not accept deferrals.
Registration cut-off date
Midnight on Monday 16 May 2016
How to know if your registration was successful
You will receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite confirming your online registration. You must bring the attached PDF ticket to registration on event day along with photo ID (driving licence, passport, British Cycling race licence card).
Check or amend your registration details
Log into your Eventbrite account and edit your details whenever you like up to the registration cut-off date. The only detail you cannot change is the name of the participant.
Not receiving any emails?
We’re sorry you aren’t receiving our emails. We’ll make sure this is corrected as soon as possible. Please check your spam folders and if our emails aren’t there then please contact us and we’ll resend any information you may have missed.
Please check your spam or junk folders!
Registration Part 2 – Event Day
Documents you must bring
How to register yourself on event day
When to arrive at the registration area
There are different registration times for each route. We will send you a ‘Final Information’ email before the event with these times.
Pricing & Charity
Cost per person
Standard costs
100 KM: £35 + booking fee (up until midnight 16 May 2016)
110 Mile: £37 + booking fee (up until midnight 16 May 2016)
What is the booking fee for? The booking fee is set by Eventbrite (the online booking system) and is clearly presented before you buy. It includes credit card processing and ticketing services fees.
What the cost includes
What the registration fee is spent on
Our aim is to provide you with only the best services, safety cover and event experience. We very much hope you find it good value and that you will want to come back every year! We always welcome your feedback on this.
Here are some of the things the fee covers:
Insurance, first-aid and paramedic cover, multiple food stations, licensing and stakeholder liaison, support vehicles with qualified mechanics, route marking and signage, professional event staff, venue hire, vehicle hire, car parking costs, sound system hire, timing system cost, administration, event photography, post-event clean-up and 20% VAT.
We do not issue refunds but if you contact us we can arrange to swap your place if you have a replacement rider.
We do not accept swaps or replacements in the last 14 days before the event.
Raise funds for charity
We welcome all charities and fundraising efforts.
If you work for a charity and would like to discuss how we can help you raise funds or include your organisation as an official charity partner please get in contact.
Timing System
How the start line works
You will be assembled in waves and receive a safety brief in the start area. The start for your wave will be announced by countdown. As you leave, your timing chip will record your start time only as you ride over the mat.
How each rider is timed
The event is timed electronically. A small chip given to you during registration at the event should be attached to your front left fork. Your start time and finish time are recorded and your overall ride time is then calculated. Times will be posted on our website and social media sites shortly after the event.
How to fit your timing chip
Fit the timing chip to the left-hand fork of your bike (as you are sat on the bike) with the zip ties provided. Make sure it is properly secured. Remember to return the chip at the finish!
Rules of the Road
Open roads & Highway Code
All roads are open to normal traffic, so ride with care and show courtesy to other road users. Please allow other traffic to pass. You must follow the rules for cycling in the Highway Code at all times.
Helping each other – general etiquette
Helping others in difficulty
If you come across a rider with a mechanical or medical problem please stop and assist them to the best of your ability. If you need further help, wait for the support vehicle or call the emergency number on the reverse of your rider number. If the medical incident is serious call 999 immediately and THEN contact the event organisers.
What to do if you have a medical emergency
If you feel unwell at any point or you injure yourself, stop and tell your fellow riders your symptoms. Ask them to help if necessary. If you need further assistance, wait for the support vehicle or call the emergency number on the reverse of your rider number.
If the medical incident is serious call 999 immediately and THEN contact the event organisers. IF YOU RETIRE FROM THE EVENT YOU MUST TELL A MARSHALL or CALL the emergency number on the reverse of your rider number.
What to do if you have a mechanical issue
Try to fix your bike yourself. If you need extra assistance ask your fellow riders to help – many of them will be very experienced at roadside repairs. If you need further help wait for the support vehicle or call the emergency number on the reverse of your rider number.
If your bike is not repairable you will be offered a lift back to event base in the support vehicle. IF YOU RETIRE FROM THE EVENT YOU MUST TELL A MARSHALL or CALL the emergency number on the reverse of your rider number.
Route marking
The route will be marked with hi-viz road signs and arrows and a team of marshals in hi-viz clothing. Please familiarise yourself with the route and pay attention to your location at all times in case of emergency.
If you have a GPS device you may want to download TCX. or GPX. route files from our home page.
No headphones
Please do not use headphones to listen to MP3 players, Ipods, phones or similar. They are a major distraction to your concentration and reduce your ability to ride safely in a peleton of other cyclists.
Time out / late return
16:00: Time out at Gairnsheil Bridge – Any 110 mile riders arriving after this time will be re-directed to complete the ride on the shorter 100km route.
16:30: All riders on all routes arriving at Gairnsheil after this time will be timed out and given a lift back to event base.
Minimum average speeds required
110 Mile
Must maintain an average speed of 11.5 mph/18.7kph – which equates to 5:15 minutes per mile or 3:15 minutes per km.
100 KM route
Must maintain an average speed 7.5mph/12kph – which equates to 8:00 minutes per mile or 5 minutes per km
Marshals on route
Our marshals on route will be wearing hi-viz clothing. Please ensure you follow their instructions. PLEASE NOTE: They cannot legally stop other traffic at junctions to allow you an uninterrupted ride. You must give way in the normal fashion.
Marshal requests are final
We reserve the right to ask you to stop at any point if we consider your health and safety, or the health and safety of others, to be at risk. The marshals will offer you and your bike a lift in the support vehicle. Please cooperate – they wouldn’t ask you to stop unless there was due reason.
Equipment & Clothing
Bike checks before you go
After the ride
Electric bikes?
You are welcome to use an e-bike at the KOM Sportive so long as it is safe, roadworthy and conforms to the DVLA rules for e-bike usage in the UK.
Please pay particular attention when riding in a peleton as e-bikes typically have longer braking distances as the e-drive does not usually disengage instantaneously. Be respectful of other riders who feel uncomfortable riding alongside e-bikes. You may be asked to drop out of a peleton of riders and cycle by yourself.
Practice using your e-bike on similar routes to the one you are attempting. You do not want to be caught out on the course with a flat battery, a long way from home. Consider taking your charger in a pannier or saddle bag – a friendly café or restaurant on the route might just be your saviour!
Compulsory equipment
The following equipment is compulsory:
The following equipment is recommended:
Bike types and handlebars allowed
No bikes with children in child seats, tag-along bikes or trailers.
No fixed wheel bikes.
No unconventional handlebars including triathlon bars, aero bars, clip-ons, prayer bars, Spinaci bars or cow bars.
MTB bar ends are permitted on mountain bikes.
You must use a roadworthy bike or tandem bike with two brakes.
If you enter as a tandem you are required to register and pay for both riders.
First aid
Professional event medics and first aiders will be on stand-by at the event base and around the course. However, we cannot provide 100% cover for all riders at all times. If you, or other riders, need first-aid assistance call the contact on the reverse of your rider number, and we will get first-aid assistance to you as quickly as we can. If you have an emergency which you believe may be life threatening call 999 or 112 immediately.
Support vehicle
There will be a support vehicle for each route. These vehicles will have spare tubes and more specialist bike tools on board to help get you back in the game. If your bike is not repairable or you are exhausted and/or cannot continue, you and your bike will be offered a lift back to event base.
Is the event safe?
Due to the nature of the event, the route and other road users there are inherent risks to your wellbeing. Whilst it is impossible to guarantee your safety we do consider it paramount. Detailed arrangements will be in place to ensure everyone enjoys a well-organised, challenging KOM Sportive experience. Professional event staff and first-aid providers will be located at regular intervals around the course (please read our Terms and Conditions and Medical Disclaimer downloads – see bottom of page).
What to do if you have a medical emergency
If you feel unwell at any point or you injure yourself, stop and tell your fellow riders your symptoms. Ask them to help if necessary. If you need further assistance, wait for the support vehicle or call the emergency number on the reverse of your rider number.
If the medical incident is serious call 999 immediately and THEN contact the event organisers. IF YOU RETIRE FROM THE EVENT YOU MUST TELL A MARSHALL or CALL the emergency number on the reverse of your rider number.
Training & Preparation
Training – top tips
A sportive is a non-competitive open-road group ride. You need to be sure that you can complete the distance but you do not need to ride quickly or try to keep up with faster riders.
If you are new to cycling or are intending to increase your training load then it is a good idea to visit your doctor for a medical or health assessment, particularly if you smoke, have a medical condition, are overweight, or if there is a history of heart disease in your family.
Allow plenty of time to prepare yourself for the KOM Sportive. Slow and steady wins the training race.ᅠ Regular shorter rides a few times a week are more productive than one big ride a week. Turbo trainers can be useful if the weather is horrible but nothing beats the real thing.
Riding with experienced like-minded cyclists can really help you train successfully. We recommend the Deeside Thistle Cycle Club as our local friendly club. Scottish Cycling and British Cycling can help you find a local club if you live further afield.
Professional coaching
If you would like to receive expert personal training, coaching or bike-fitting we recommend the excellent services of Dr Jon Entwistle from EnthDegree Coaching, who has an impressive range of power meters, bike computers and software, but more importantly the in-depth knowledge and training experience of many years of competitive cycling that will help you improve your bike fitness.
100 KM route
The 100 KM route is designed ᅠfor riders who lead an active lifestyle, and isᅠ achievable as long as you’re prepared to train a little in preparation for the ride. Remember that although the 100 KM route isn’t as hilly or as long as the 110 Mile route it shouldn’t be underestimated – it remains a long and challenging day ride with a high snow road summit to conquer.
If you’re new to rides of this distance build up the mileage gradually to avoid injury andᅠ over-exercising. This also creates a good base fitness ᅠon which to build the stamina levels you’ll need on the day. We recommend that you tackle a few rides over 3 hours in preparation and that you attempt riding hills requiring prolonged climbing of more than 20 minutes duration. Joining a club will help your resolve and allow you to practice group riding in a social setting. Riding with experienced like-minded cyclists can really help you train successfully. We recommend the Deeside Thistle Cycle Club as our local friendly club. Scottish Cycling and British Cycling can help you find a local club if you live further afield.
Practice your on-the-bike nutrition and hydration in advance. We find that some energy products don’t agree with all riders. It is important to find out before the event what snacks and drinks work for you. Our superb food stations will be stocked with healthy and nutritious snacks.
Ensure you bike is well maintained and that it is in tip-top condition before the event – you don’t want anything holding you back! Make sure you can change a punctured tube and have a basic knowledge of how to keep you and your bike going for a few hours of riding.
110 Mile route
The 110 Mile route is a long-distance sportive and ranks amongst the toughest in the UK. It has a lot of climbing and several significant summits to overcome. Do not underestimate this ride – you must be prepared mentally and physically for a full day in the saddle in the Scottish Highlands.
Most riders attempting this route will be experienced cyclists and/or have tackled sportives and etapes of a similar distance previously. There is no avoiding the fact that you will need to cycle regularly in the lead-up to this event. You should be riding a long distance route each week through March and April to ensure your body and bike are ready for the challenge. Joining a club will help your resolve and allow you to practice group riding in a social setting. We recommend the Deeside Thistle Cycle Club as our local friendly club. Scottish Cycling and British Cycling can help you find a local club if you live further afield.
Practice your on-the-bike nutrition and hydration in advance. We find that some energy products don’t agree with all riders. It is important to find out before the event what snacks and drinks work for you. Our superb food stations will be stocked with healthy and nutritious snacks.
Ensure you bike is well maintained and that it is in tip-top condition before the event – you don’t want anything holding you back! Make sure you can change a punctured tube and have a good knowledge of how to keep you and your bike going for several hours of riding.
Illness & injury
If you feel unwell or become injured at any point during the build-up to the event, stop and get medical advice immediately. Once you have the all-clear from your doctor to return to training remember that you CANNOT catch up on what you may have missed by training to excess. Return to exercise slowly and build up your distance gradually. If you are signed up for the 100 Mile route but feel that your training has been set back we can transfer you to the 100KM route (before the registration cut-off date).
We wish you a speedy return to health and wellbeing! Happy cycling.
General pre-event preparation
Food & Drink
Feed stations on route
There will be several superb free food stations stocked with a nutritious mix of snacks.
Food at the finish
Every rider will receive tasty snacks at the finish. Free-froms will be catered for – please indicate this during registration in the medical section.
Travel & Parking
By bicycle
Many riders do cycle to the sportive each year, and we encourage as many of you as possible to take this sustainable transport option. There are many excellent quiet routes that will take you to the start/finish. Be sure you can manage the additional distance on top of your selected KOM Sportive route!
By bus
Please use the Traveline journey planner to work out your bus travel schedule to the Aboyne Community Centre, Bridgeview Road, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire AB34 5JN. The 201 bus route from Aberdeen has a stop beside the Community Centre and has a bike transport system.
By car
The event base is located at the Aboyne Community Centre, Bridgeview Road, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire AB34 5JN.
Parking is located on-site or on quiet public streets very close to event base.
Parking is free and is located at the Community Centre or on quiet public roads very close by. Detailed information will be emailed to you a few days before the event.
Private buses & drop offs
There is a drop-off zone directly outside the entrance of the Community Centre. Larger mini-buses may struggle to find space in the Community Centre car park and may have to park on a quiet public road close to event base.
Facilities & Services
Where to leave valuables
There will be a free key drop at event base. You may leave keys and a wallet but you cannot leave bags or larger items.
Bike mechanics
There will be qualified bike technicians from local bike shops and businesses available to make last-minute adjustments. Please note that time, resources and spares will be limited – we cannot guarantee that your bike will be seen to or that a full repair is possible. Please ensure your bike is serviced and in good repair before you attend the event. A small range of bike accessories and spares will be for sale.
There will be ample toilets on site and occasional toilet facilities on the route.
Disabled access
The event centre has disabled access and toilets.
Friends, Family, Children & Dogs
Spectators welcome
Spectators are very welcome and can enjoy the atmosphere, great local food and local attractions in Aboyne. Please share transport where possible as parking will be limited.
Young adults 16-17yrs
Young adults aged 16-17 may enter the sportive route. A parental consent from will be emailed to you a week before the event.
Children 11-15yrs
Due to low participation numbers it is unfortunately no longer viable for us to offer either the 25 mile route or spaces for 11-15yr old riders . We hope to re-introduce this in the future and are sorry for any disappointment caused. If you would like to see the return of this option please complete this very quick three question survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DBCF6ZP
Children under 11yrs
Children under 11 cannot participate in the sportive, but they are welcome to spectate.
No dogs are allowed within the Community Centre building or grounds. The start and finish line are on a public road so please keep your dog on a lead for its own safety and the safety of all cyclists.
Volunteer and get rewarded
Photos & Media
Get your photo
A Professional photographer will be snapping away all day; pictures will be available online after the event on our Facebook page – they are free to download. We can’t guarantee to get a shot of everyone but we’ll do our best!
Taking your own photos
You are very welcome to take images of the event, but to protect the interest and viability of the professional photography team please do not offer to sell them online or through any other means.
Press & media
We welcome all media coverage. Please contact us for more information.
Terms, Conditions & Policy
Event terms & conditions
During online registration you will have the choice to agree and consent to the following event terms and conditions by ticking a box:
Your entry to and participation of your selected event (‘the Event’, ‘The KOM Sportive’) is provided to you by Firetrail Events Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Acts (Registered No. SC423552) and having its Registered Office at 28 Balnagowan Wynd, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, AB34 5GY (‘us’, ‘our’ or ‘we’), subject to these terms and conditions. References to the Event include all aspects of the Event organised by us including access, parking, the venue and the activity. By entering and participating in the Event you understand and accept the following terms and conditions:
Nature of the Event, Risks and Your Responsibilities
Payment, Entry and Registration Pre-Conditions and Liabilities
Rules of the Ride
Medical disclaimer
During online registration you will have the choice to agree and consent to the following event terms and conditions by ticking a box:
Your personal data
During online registration you will have the choice to agree and consent to the following event terms and conditions by ticking a box:
General privacy, copyright & cookies
The following privacy, copyright and cookie statements only apply to the King of the Mountains (KOM) Sportive web site.
Privacy Policy
Firetrail Events Ltd is a Scottish-based events company.
We are committed to protecting your privacy. To this end we will NEVER supply the personal details of any user to any third party unless a) you give us your explicit permission to do so, or b) we are obliged to do so by relevant authorities such as the Police or other emergency services. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully (in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998). We collect information about you for two reasons: firstly to process your order and secondly to provide you with the best service possible.
Contact Information
Firetrail Events Ltd.
28 Balnagowan Wynd
AB34 5GY
Email: contact us
Directors: Richard Lawes and Jonathan Buckland
Cookies and Privacy
What are cookies?
An HTTP cookie (usually just called a cookie) is a simple computer file made of text. The information stored in cookies can be used to personalise the experience when using a website. A website can also use cookies to find out if someone has visited a website before and record information (data) about what they did. The only personal information a cookie can obtain is information that a user supplies. A cookie cannot read data from your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. To find out more about cookies please visit the about cookies website.
Laws regarding cookie use
On May 25th 2012 a European Union law was implemented by UK legislation, The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations 2011, with a requirement that all websites that leave non-essential cookies on visitors’ devices have to inform the visitor what these cookies are.
This website complies with the above law by providing information on the cookies we use. This information enables you to choose to leave our website if you wish.
When you visit our website with your personal browser settings configured to accept cookies this implies to us that you are in consent to our use of cookies as described below.
Cookies used on this website
The only cookies in use on our site are for Adobe Business Catalyst (BC), which is the host of this website. Adobe BC includes web analytics tool that improves the site visitor’s experience and helps website owners understand how visitors engage with their website.
We use this service to record how many users visit our site, what they look at, how often they return and what sort of devices they are using.
There are two types of cookies used on Business Catalyst sites:
For a full list of Business Catalyst cookies, see Business Catalyst Cookies – Quick reference (Note: we do not use any cookies relating to e-commerce).
Social media and/or other plug-ins cookies
Social media plug-ins for Facebook, Twitter, Strava, Garmin Connect and mapmyride obtain data for tracking purposes.
If you want to know about their policies and how to opt out of their cookies then please check the privacy and cookie policies on their websites before navigating away from this site.
Why we use cookies
We use first-party cookies to track visitor interactions. They collect this information anonymously and report website trends without identifying individual visitors. We then use the information to compile reports, and this helps us to improve our website and your browsing experience.
Your options regarding cookies
Should you wish to do so, you can usually refuse cookies by disabling them in your web browser’s settings. However, if you are browsing from within a work-based network you may not have adequate permissions to allow you to control the cookies that are set. Ask your IT administrator/department if you are unsure.
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More detailed information about controlling cookies on your computer is also available at the About Cookies website.
Environmental impact
We take the view that everything we do has an impact on the environment. Our aim is to reduce the impact of this event as much as possible whilst promoting cycling as one of most accessible and sustainable transport solutions.